Many commercial property owners want to reach a level of sustainability in their buildings that gains them a LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certification. LEED has become the gold standard for green and sustainable construction. Read on to learn more on what LEED certification means and how proper, professional insulation can help you towards your goal of achieving it.
What Does LEED Certification Mean for Commercial Property Owners?
LEED certification is a mark that a building adheres to or excels at green design principles. The program, created by the US Green Building Council (USGBC), establishes a rating system that indicates the construction and operations of a building maintain a level of environmental responsibility and sustainability.
While remaining environmentally conscious when it comes to commercial properties benefits the environment, there are also very real health and financial benefits that can come from LEED certification.
Whom Does LEED Certification Benefit?
In truth, LEED certification benefits everybody, and in several ways. Commercial properties can achieve particular benefits that can make achieving LEED certification even more attractive. A LEED certification ensures that the company:
All these things can benefit a commercial property, the property's owners, and the occupants of the property. Achieving LEED certification can help you a great deal whether you plan to sell or lease the property. You will also have another feature you can use to advertise the property to potential clients or customers.
What Does Insulation Have to Do With Obtaining LEED Certification?
LEED certification addresses a series of categories:
Your goal is to add upgrades or features that earn you LEED points in one or more of these categories. The credits you obtain through the LEED system will contribute to your building's LEED Score. Over 2500 credits exist, so you may already have some features in your building that can earn you credit towards certification.
Insulation helps by potentially providing several points simultaneously across various categories. In addition, insulation can provide
For example, your building can earn credit under the SS category for reducing the heat island effect. Proper roofing insulation can help achieve the desired reduction. In this way, insulation will contribute to a LEED project that can earn your building points while also earning direct points for your use of insulation in this way in general.
Insulation adds to thermal comfort, which can satisfy the requirements of some IEQ credits. Insulation helps with credits in many other categories as well, especially the SS, EA, IEQ, and MR categories. Even if you're not seeking LEED Certification of any level, you can still reap the benefits that come from proper commercial insulation applications.
LEED Certification isn't the only way to achieve a greener, more energy-efficient commercial building. However, you can use the program's guidelines to start investing in upgrades to your facilities. Start with proper insulation and you'll find you're already ahead in the process.
At the Breeding Insulation Company, Chattanooga, Inc., we can help you lower energy costs and increase interior comfort with expert analysis and professional commercial insulation installation. If you need to upgrade, replace, or install new insulation at your commercial building, contact us today.
2505 N Orchard Knob Ave. Chattanooga, TN 37406
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P.O. Box 5187 Chattanooga, TN 37406
Monday-Thursday, 7:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
Friday, 7:30 am - 3:30